6 Tips for Taking Better Vacation Photos
Written by Dolsee Davenport
March 18, 2019

Do your travel dreams revolve around the memories you will make and the subsequent photos you will take?  Do you want to take the perfect candid shots of you, or your family, experiencing new foods, sights, and locations? People can take really great pictures with their phones these days, and there are different techniques that you can implement to make your phone pictures look their best.  Here are a few tips to make sure you have great photos of your Black Hills vacation.

     1. Use Natural Light
          - If you’re taking a photo of something that can be moved, move it toward some light.  (maybe near a window)
          - Shelter yourself or subject to avoid hot light (use a tree, overhang on building, etc)

     2. Shoot wide-crop later
          - Don’t zoom before you take a photo.  The photo will come out pixely and blurry.  Take the photo then crop as needed.

     3. Take both horizontal and vertical image to have options

     4. Use the focus feature by tapping on what you want to be in focus.  By doing this you can also adjust the light in the photo.

     5. Hold your phone still.  
          - Much like with a real camera, you’ll get better photos if you’re not moving your phone when trying to take a photo.

     6. Do Your Research
          - Scope out places to take photos before you leave.

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