Custer's 3rd Annual Off-Road Rally
Written by Dolsee Davenport
June 7, 2021

This weekend is Custer’s 3rd Annual Off-Road Rally!

Check-in begins on Friday at 12pm at the Custer Search and Rescue parking lot.  Representatives from the Black Hills National Forest will be available to provide information about the area’s trail system, and Search and Rescue members will be there to offer insight or provide a quick training on using the Avenza app.

On Friday night, there will be two guided rides – a President’s Ride through Needles Highway led by our Chamber Board President, Amy Bailey, and a Mayor’s Ride to Mt. Rushmore led by Custer’s Mayor, Corbin Herman.  These will leave between 4:30-4:45pm from the Search and Rescue parking lot.

For a small fee of $10, visitors and locals alike can participate in the Poker Run which will be a beautiful route through great trails in the Custer area.  After signing up, participants will receive GPS coordinates, and a link to the Avenza Map, for locations on the route to take selfies.  The selfies are what will be shown to Off-Road Rally staff on Saturday afternoon to receive poker hands.  Along the route the Boy Scouts will be selling snacks, and bathrooms will be available at the same location.  Between 4-6pm selfies can be turned in at Mt. Rushmore Brewing Company to receive poker hands.  The banquet will be at the Event Center at Mt. Rushmore Brewing Company starting at 6pm, and that dinner is included with registration.

On Sunday morning there will be an opportunity for a guided ride to Mt. Coolidge with members from Custer’s Search and Rescue crew.

It’s shaping up to be a great weekend full of fun for the whole family!  We hope you can join us!

Register Here: 2021 Custer Off-Road Rally (

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615 Washington Street
Custer, SD 57730



M-F  8am-5pm                                       

Sat   9am-4pm
Sun  Closed

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