Custer Area Veterans Memorial
Written by Dolsee Davenport
November 13, 2018

“The purpose of the Custer Veterans Memorial is a memorial honoring all veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States and any sponsor wishing to honor them regardless of residency”.

The Custer Area Veterans Memorial was officially dedicated on Veterans Day, November 11, 2018.  For those unable to attend the dedication ceremony, here is a snippet of the event.  To watch the video of the event please visit their Facebook page

From Guest Speaker Mayor Corbin Herman:
We have assembled here to dedicate this memorial park to the men and women who went forth as the living strength of our country. They were the United States Armed Forces on the land, sea, and in the air. Some of them did not return.

These American defenders left our schools, our farms, our shops, our cities, and our homes to take up weapons against our foes. They left their peacetime pursuits with confidence in their hearts and assurances on their lips.

These are the men and women in whom we entrusted all our faith. They are the ones for whom we toiled and prayed here at home – to help make their effort victorious, so they might return and again live with us in lasting security and peace.

Today and forever we honor them and we extend to them and their memory our deepest respect.

Now therefore I, Corbin Herman, Mayor of the City of Custer, dedicate this Veterans Memorial Park in the name of those who offered their lives so justice, freedom, and liberty might survive to be the victorious ideals of the peoples of the world. As they served America in time of war, may we serve America in time of peace. I dedicate this monument to them, and to the preservation of the memory of their service.

From President of the Custer Area Veterans Memorial Association Tony Gonsor:
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. For over 5 years; you, your families, your organizations, your foundations, and your local governments have come together to build a memorial to all of our veterans. And though weather has caught up to us, slowing the finishing touches, today you dedicate this memorial park to your veterans. On this Veterans Day, you honor our veterans, for now and forever with the memorial you built.

If you would like to purchase a brick for the Veterans Memorial please visit:

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615 Washington Street
Custer, SD 57730



M-F  8am-5pm                                       

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