Custer Christmas Lights
Written by Dolsee Davenport
December 9, 2018

We all know that Custer is by far the most beautiful place in the Black Hills...or all of South Dakota really.  (ok we may be a little biased, but can you blame us?!)  As hard as it is to believe, come December, it becomes even more beautiful.  The City of Custer and it's residents do a great job of decorating for Christmas.  Have you been to Way Park in downtown Custer yet?  If not, make sure it's on your Christmas to do list!  If you're looking for a fun way to enjoy the Christmas lights with your family, try out this Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt.  It will give you a reason to drive all over Custer and take in the beauty the city has to offer this time of year.

 Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Click Here for a Printable Copy

Hint: There are BEAUTIFUL Christmas trees in the windows of Good Karma Jewelry and Ketel Thorstenson!

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615 Washington Street
Custer, SD 57730



M-F  8am-5pm                                       

Sat   9am-4pm
Sun  Closed

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