Clubs & Organizations

605-745-4969 or 605-745-4720
American Legion Custer Post #46
605-673-3930 | 605-673-3414
American Legion Hermosa Post #303
Black Hills and Badlands Tourism Association
Black Hills and Badlands Tourism Association is South Dakota’s oldest, largest and most vibrant private-sector tourism association. This non-profit membership driven tourism marketing firm is dedicated to promoting the Badlands and Black Hills region as an all season travel destination.
BH&B’s board-approved strategic marketing plans increase visitor numbers, trip duration and visitor sales. These efforts ensure a healthy future for BH&B and the visitor industry as a whole. Together, our unified voice strengthens the tourism industry and maintains it as a driving economic force for our region.
Black Hills Area Community Foundation
Inspiring people to invest as a community to help improve the quality of life of the people throughout the Black Hills!
Black Hills Parks & Forests Association
Black Hills Parks & Forests Association (BHPFA) is a non-profit, membership organization that operates retails stores for public land agencies.
Partnering with Wind Cave National Park, Jewel Cave National Monument, Black Hills National Forest, Nebraska National Forests & Grasslands and the National Grassland Visitor Center in Wall, SD. BHPFA operates 16 retail locations in the Black Hills, Wyoming, and Nebraska.
We offer a curated selection of books, toys, and games that help people of all ages engage with, and interpret the natural world. Every sale supports our partners in their critical missions of sustaining and preserving our natural and cultural legacies with funding that fills the gaps left by budget shortfalls.
- Wind Cave National Park
- Jewel Cave National Monument
- Black Hills National Forest Sites
- Pactola Visitor Center-Pactola Lake, SD (Memorial Day-Labor Day)
- Supervisor's Office-Custer, SD
- Mystic Ranger District Office-Rapid City, SD
- Northern Hills Ranger District Office-Spearfish, SD
- Hell Canyon Ranger District Office-Newcastle, SD
- Bearlodge Ranger District Office-Sundance, WY
- Nebraska National Forests & Grasslands Sites
- Hudson Meng Education & Research Center-Crawford, NE (Memorial Day-Labor Day)
- Pine Ridge Ranger District Office-Chadron, NE
- Bessey Ranger District Office/Tree Nursery-Halsey, NE
- Buffalo Gap National Grasslands District Office-Hot Springs, SD
- Ft. Pierre National Grasslands Ranger District Office-Ft. Pierre, SD
- National Grasslands Visitor Center-Wall, SD
- Scottsbluf National Monument
- Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
Civil Air Patrol
Civil Air Patrol, America's Air Force auxiliary, building the nation's finest force of citizen volunteers serving America. Supporting communities with emergency response, diverse aviation and ground services, youth development, and promotion of air, space and cyber power.
Meetings: Thursday's 7pm-9pm, Cadet program ages 12-19, senior program ages 19-99+
Community Action Team
Custer Area Arts Council
For 25 years, we’ve promoted the arts in Custer, through coordinating cultural activities, supporting artistic endeavors and contributing to the community.
We support Girls Rock Camp, Burning Beetle, Dakota Players, Way Park Music series and many art installations and activities throughout the community.
Custer Area Economic Development Corporation & Foundation
The CAEDC is a member organization with a volunteer board and leadership that works wiht regional and State Economic Development organizations to assist businesses with access to funds, leadership and entrepreneurial training. We help grow existing businesses,
attract and assist new business ventures, and work to ensure that workforce needs are met in the community.
Custer City Masonic Lodge #66
Custer Community Coalition on Aging
Custer County Conservation District
Mission: Promote conservation of soil, water, and natural resources for now and in the future.
We seek to provide information to landowners on maintaining resilient forests, soil health, water ways, riparian areas, and natural resources.
We assist in finding grants and funding opportunities for landowners in need, whenever possible.
Custer County Democratic Party
The Custer County Democrats meet on the 3 Thursday of every month at 6 pm (Mar – Oct) and 12 noon (Nov – Feb) in the Custer Library Pine Room.
We invite anyone who values and supports democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms to join us.
We also host a breakfast social on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am at Laughing Water Restaurant at the Crazy Horse Memorial.
Our mission is to build a democratic community that is visible, participatory, sustainable, compassionate, and just.
We regularly collaborate with our State Party Leadership
and neighboring counties party leadership, participate in various community
sponsored events, host speakers at our meetings, and attend and sponsor educational opportunities.
To learn more about our organization and join our email list, write to
Like and follow our Facebook page at
to stay up to date on all of our events and activities.
Custer County Housing and Redevelopment
Providing Custer County with affordable housing options.
Custer County Library Foundation
Custer County Library Foundation is dedicated to raising funds and managing them in a fiscally responsible manner for the support of the Custer County Library.
The foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, supplements existing library funds through fund raising, grants, and/or donation. Regular membership is open to any person upon payment of dues ($5 per year). or any orgainzation ($25 per year).
Custer County Republicans
The Custer County Republicans meet the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm. Meetings are open to all interested parties and all Republicans are encouraged to attend. Our goal is to support local, state and national Republican candidates for election, and to advocate for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
To receive notices about meetings and events please email or call 605-673-4639 to be added to our mailing list.
Like us on Facebook: Custer County SD Republicans | Facebook
Custer County Search & Rescue
Meets second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Search and Rescue Garage south on Hwy 385 next to the County Hwy garage. Anyone interested in becoming involved please call or email.
Custer Lions Club
As a member of the world's largest service organization, Lions Club International, we volunteer to serve the Custer community, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding.
Meetings will be held
the 2nd Thursday of the month at noon st the Custer Senior Center.
Guests and new members welcome. "We Serve"!
Custer Mile High Garden Club
The Custer Mile High Garden Club provides a unique opportunity to learn about gardening in Custer and the surrounding area.
It allows meeting with others interested in improving our knowledge and skills in all aspects of gardening.
We promote community beautification, improving the environment and conserving native plants.
Custer Piecemakers Quilt Guild
We are a non-profit philanthropic quilt guild comprised of approximately 35 members. Some of the local projects we are involved with are Quilts of Valor presented to wounded veterans staying at the Black Hills Cabin, pillowcases for children in the hospital, in-need quilts donated to people who have had a fire or other natural disaster, and quilts for kids who have been taken from their homes.
Guild meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 1:30pm at the Custer Lutheran Fellowship Church.
Potluck meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm at Custer Lutheran Fellowship Church.
Custer Senior Center
Our Center coordinates resources, provides life-enriching activities, education, and creative programs for older adults. Programs include, humanities speakers, student mentoring, volunteer opportunities, medical equipment loans, Medicare education, office and facility rental space. We have recreational opportunities like line dancing, member brunches at local restaurants, morning workouts, card games, bingo, women’s & men’s pool games, various craft classes, etc. New members (only $35.00 per year for senior/mentor members, $20.00 per year for associate/mentee members) and visitors are always welcome. M-F 9-5PM
Custer YMCA Early Learning Center
Child Development Center. Quality programs for children ages 1-5
After school program (Kid Stop) available for school age children.
Friends of Wind Cave National Park
Friends of Wind Cave National Park (FWC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote Wind Cave National Park as a natural and cultural treasure. In addition, it will strive to expand the awareness of the unique value of Wind Cave National Park to the Black Hills Community and the nation.
Gideons International- Southern Hills Camp
We are a group of Men and Women who love Jesus and distribute hope by handing out New Testament Bibles in our local area.
The Southern Hills Camp serves the communities of Custer, Edgemont, and Hot Springs.
We meet on the third Thursday of every month at the Custer Senior Center at 538 Mt. Rushmore Rd. at 6 PM.
Anyone interested in what we are doing, please come join us for a meal and fellowship! Come check us out!
Growing Roots, Inc
Growing Roots is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to providing quality, student-centered learning opportunities for young learners. Growing Roots began when parents of young children in Custer banded together to bring preschool to their community.
Harney Peak Chapter, NSDAR
Any woman is eligible for membership in the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution who is eighteen years of age or older, and who is lineally descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty to the cause of American Independence, served as a sailor, soldier or civil officer in one of the several Colonies or States, or as a recognized patriot, or rendered material aid thereto.
NARFE- National Active & Retired Federal Employees
An organization dedicated to the welfare of all federal workers and retirees.
NARFE sponsors informative seminars and provides web-based topics on pay, benefits and retirement strategies. The Custer chapter welcomes any active, retired or spouses of federal employees.
Rotary Club of Custer
The Custer Rotary Club was formed in 1934 by Hobart Gates, the Custer theater owner, and his brother, John, a local attorney. Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The Custer Rotary Club’s service local service projects are many, including picnic shelters at West Dam and Pageant Hill, dictionaries and scholarships for youth, road clean up and support of many local not-for-profits. The club meets Mondays at noon at the Custer Senior Center.
Storehouse Food Pantry
We provide food and household items to people in need. Open Wednesdays and Saturday 10 am - 1 pm.
Sturgis Mustang Rally
Sturgis Mustang Rally, Ford Mustang Fun, Friends
Packed with racing events, cruises, car show
Not Just a Rally, it's a destination spot.
Make it a Family destination!
United Way of the Black Hills
We unite people and resources to improve lives in the Black Hills by delivering measurable long-term solutions to community issues in education, financial stability and health.
UWBH raises funds through charitable donations and events to fund our Community Impact Grants, Month of Caring, Black Hills Reads Initiative and EveryDay Strong Program.
We provide professional development training and networking opportunities to all area non-profit organizations through our Non-Profit Capacity Building Program.
Learn more about what we do at…….
Willow Creek Child Care
605-673-2336/ 605-517-1222
Now Open!
We are a licensed in-home group day care owned & operated by a RN. Willow Creek Child Care offers services 24 Hours/day 7 days a week.
We utilize the Riggio Emilia approach which prioritizes collaborative group work where children are encouraged to work together to problem-solve, negotiate and practice empathy.
YMCA of Custer
The YMCA provides recreational, health & wellness activities and childcare from infant through 5th grade in Custer and school age care in Hermosa.
We also operate the Custer pool in the summer.
Zonta Club of the Southern Black Hills
Local branch of Zonta International, a global service organization of women working together to advance the status of women world-wide through service and advocacy.
Meetings at 1 pm on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at the Custer County Library.
Most meetings are online via Zoom.
New members always welcome. Building a better world for women and girls!