27th Annual Mickelson Trail Trek
George Mickelson Trail

South Dakota’s George S. Mickelson Trail is more than just a recreation trail—it is a trail of history. You have the opportunity to travel the same path as General George A. Custer, Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, and Potato Creek Johnny. Burlington Northern built this rail line over 130 years ago to accommodate the miners who had rushed to the area to pan for gold. In 1983, the rail line was removed from service, and this incredible trail was envisioned. After years of planning, hard work, and determination the trail became a reality. In celebration of this reality, the third weekend in September finds hundreds of riders joining together on the Mickelson Trail Trek. This year’s Trail Trek promises to be the best one yet with something for everyone. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday 3-day ride covers almost the entire trail.